Award-winning title HARDCORE MECHA Coming soon on Nintendo Switch™

由 Rocket Punch Games 開發,Lightning Games 全球發行,Game Source Entertainment (GSE)於亞洲發行的2D機甲動作遊戲《硬核機甲》(Hardcore Mecha)Nintendo Switch™ Edition今天公布盒裝版預售資訊。游戏将在今年十月发售。
Lightning Games and Game Source Entertainment (GSE) are announcing that HARDCORE MECHA will be released on Nintendo Switch™ platform during October 2020.
Developed by Rocket Punch Games, with Lightning Games being the global publisher, the physical boxed edition will be released in Asia by Game Source Entertainment (GSE).
Double-sided Cover design
The physical edition will adopt a double-sided package design, players can change to the one they like any time.
HARDCORE MECHA is a 2D mecha action shooter game that brings an exciting and refreshing experience to players who love mecha games.
作爲Sony Interactive Entertainment 第一屆「中國之星」獲獎作品,還獲得了超過包括東京遊戲展及日本遊戲媒體發出的超過10個最佳獎項。《硬核機甲》在 PlayStation ®和 Steam 平台上線後,取得了很好的成績,更連續數星期登上PSN日本第一位。
One of the first members of Sony Interactive Entertainment: China Hero Project, HARDCORE MECHA has won over 10 Indie Awards, including Best Indie Game and Best Platformer at the 2016 Tokyo Game Show. At launch, the game was top of PlayStation Japan’s sales charts for 2 weeks and remained in the top 3 for a whole month.
《硬核機甲》在Nintendo Switch™ 平台上能讓玩家隨時隨地駕駛著機甲,與夥伴進行機甲對決。
Become a Mecha pilot and compete in exciting battles with friends, anytime, anywhere, with HARDCORE MECHA on the Nintendo Switch™.
The Story
A.D.2221,Neo U.N. founded several permanent colonies on mars with the help of the natural wormhole WM-01. The industrial products and resources produced by these colonies have ensured the prosperity of the mankind after the civil war.
Tarethur O’Connell is an ACE pilot for Hardcore Defence Crop. The company has undertaken the commission by the U.N.F. to search for the missing intelligence officer ‘A’ on Mars. During the mission, Tarethur and his teammates gradually discovered that this seemingly simple mission has harboured an even greater crisis.
Well-polished 2D mecha world
The campaign mode includes 8 chapters and 18 levels in total. As the story develops, you will encounter more than 50 types of enemy mechas with various designs and details in all kinds of scenes like mineshaft, underwater, urban and space. Some levels even allow you to exit the mecha and infiltrate behind enemy line.
Of course, you won’t just have one single personal ride, you may develop and customize various new gears and focus accessories in between the missions.
Seamless Story Immersion
The unique animations with the seamless transition between the 2D platform game scenes have a total duration of 40 minutes, the full-length voice acting provides a unique immersive storytelling experience.
Highly-polished 2D animations
The detailed skeletal animation with a unique impression of power will fully showcase the characteristics of each mecha. The smooth and natural movements have also laid a good foundation for the fine handling experience. Natural 2D rotating animation, the use of visual deception like dislocation and timely switched elements have brought out a visual effect like 3D artwork.
Various Mecha styles
American style, Japanese style, Super style, Realistic style, there are dozens of mechas of all kinds of styles available. Each mecha has its own unique tactical value, only the player who has completely grasped the features of each mecha can fully bring out their maximum combat effectiveness. What type of Mecha is the best? Prove it with your hands in PVP mode!
Up to 4 players online and local PVP
Apart from online PVP battles, this game also enables users to play against each other with local split-screen. Single purchase, 4 times of fun!
為方便玩家隨時獲得遊戲資訊,進行交流,《硬核機甲》還開設了專門的 Facebook 粉絲專頁,Twitter 以及 Discord,關注後即可獲取遊戲的最新資訊。
HARDCORE MECHA has a dedicated Facebook fan page, Twitter account, and Discord server, to keep players updated with game information and to communicate with one another at any time. Join to receive the latest game information.
遊戲名稱: 《硬核機甲》Nintendo Switch™ Edition
開發廠商: Rocket Punch Games
全球發行商: Ligthning Games
亞洲地區盒裝版發行:Game Source Entertainment
遊戲類型: 2D動作機甲戰鬥
對應平台: Nintendo Switch™
發售日期: 2020年10月
Product Information
Developer: RocketPunch Games
Global Publisher: Lightning Games
Physical Edition for Asian regions:Game Source Entertainment
Game Genre: 2D Mecha Action Shooter
Platform: Nintendo Switch™
Release Date: October 2020
Retail Price:To Be Announced
Age Rating:PG12
In-Game subtitles: English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Korean
In-game Language:Chinese, Japanese
Facebook @rocketpunchgames
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