The Absolute Unconditional Best Games on the Nintendo Switch

Hey there! So maybe you've just purchased a Nintendo Switch Console (good choice, welcome to the family) or maybe you've had one for a while now. However, right now you're just spoilt for choice and aren't quite sure what games to purchase to get that bang for your buck?
Today, I'm here to compile a list of top 3 games in each category that would be sure to tickle your fancy. Please take note this is by every sense of the word NOT A DEFINITIVE LIST, and if you don't see your favourite games up here, please don't send angry messages or protest at our doorstep.
Good? Great! Let's dive into it then! In no order of merit-
4. FIGHTING here
5. BEAT 'EM UPS here
6. STEALTH here
7. SURVIVAL here
9. RHYTHM here
12. ROGUELIKE here
13. RACING here
14. SPORTS here
15. PARTY here
16. OTHERS here
17. COMING SOON here
Ah, where would we be without the classics? Platformers are a staple, and the genre will probably never die out (although you probably would, multiple times).
1. Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove
Shovel Knight is a 2D-Side scrolling platforming game developed and published by Yacht Club Games. You play as Shovel Knight, a knight that, well, uses a Shovel, and you fight (and dig) your way through the realm to rescue your beloved Shield Knight. Its 8-bit design is charming and gameplay is innovative making it a breath of fresh air in an oversaturated genre.
Treasure Trove is the definitive expansion and gives you lots of extra game modes and goodies at a good price.
Couch Co-Op - 2
Shovel Knight Showdown: Couch Multiplayer - 4
Purchase HERE
2. Ori and the Blind Forest [Definitive Edition] / Ori and the Will of the Wisps
The Ori series is a platforming adventure game developed by Moon Studios where you play as orphan Ori, a small glowing, uh, creature, that sets out to first save his forest, and then uncover his true destiny in the subsequent sequel.
Compelling storytelling, absolutely beautiful hand painted scenery, captivating gameplay and a soundtrack that masterfully tows the line between haunting and magical makes this two-part series a must-have for any platforming enthusiast.
Purchase HERE
3. Cuphead
Oh boy. This one's a doozy. Cuphead is a run and gun platformer developed by Studio MDHR in the style of classic 1930 cartoons (Think Spooky Scary Skeletons). Cuphead and Mugman make a deal with the Devil and now have to traverse the world collecting his debts.
But the Devil isn't the only demon in the game, Cuphead's gameplay is absolute hell and by the end of this game, you'll be all too acquainted with the death screen. But that's what makes it so fun.
Couch Co-Op - 2
Purchase Digital Edition HERE
Honourable Mention: Hollow Knight
Hollow Knight is a stylistic 2D action platformer where you explore a variety of locations, with arguably non-linear paths in expansive landscapes. It's terribly difficult though, but incredibly satisfying and immersive.
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Hang on you say, when you think of platformers, doesn't the first and foremost NINTENDO FRANCHISE jump to mind? Yes, I didn't forget about Super Mario of course. But there are just so many Mario games on the Switch right now that they would probably make up the entire 3 game list. Maybe 2/3. So I'm just going to list the better Mario games below for you to "please take a look".
Super Mario Odyssey
New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe
Super Mario Maker 2
Super Mario 3D All-Stars
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury (Release Date 21 Feb 2021)
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Why anyone would want to play a shooter on anything other than a mouse, I will probably never understand (I'm kidding), but here are the current top shooters on the Switch in my opinion.
1. Doom 2016
Known officially as just Doom and developed by id Software, Doom really makes the most out of the Nintendo Switch hardware. It's surprisingly butter-smooth, even when you're gunning and bashing through hordes of demons. Oh, I should probably explain the plot.
You are Doomguy, all Hell has broken loose, literally, and now you need to beat them back. If the plot sounds simple, that's because it is. The point is you get to beat down demons, and do it on the go with your Switch.
Purchase HERE
2. Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
You ever feel the need to shoot up some Nazis? That's a rhetorical question, you should ALWAYS be in the mood to shoot some Nazis. Wolfenstein II is developed by MachineGames and you play as William Joseph "B.J." Blazkowicz in an alternate America where the Nazi party has taken over.
A lot of the gameplay in Wolfenstein is about the guns and how good it feels, and it's translated well on the Switch. Especially the flamethrower.
Purchase HERE
3. Borderlands: Legendary Collection
If you've never heard of the Borderlands series or played it, now is a good time to start. Developed by Gearbox Software, the legendary collection gives you access to 3 games, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, Borderlands: GOTY Edition, and Borderlands 2. All three are fantastic games in their own right with my personal favourite being Borderlands 2.
You play mainly as vault hunters, people who simply put, shoot and loot to get to a vault and repeat. But with a captivating overarching storyline, a striking cell-shaded art style and some pretty witty dialogue, Borderlands makes things interesting. Oh did I mention IT RUNS LIKE A DREAM on the Switch?
Split Screen Couch Co-Op - 2
Multiplayer - 4
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Honourable Mention: BioShock: The Collection
Developed by Blind Squirrel Games, the BioShock collection bring you back to the underwater city of Rapture, then takes you above the clouds to Columbia. Getting the collection bags you BioShock Remastered, BioShock 2 Remastered (although we do not speak of this game), and BioShock Infinite: The Complete Edition.
There's not much praise I can give to the series that hasn't already been said, but what I can tell you is that the story is fantastic, the gameplay runs perfectly on the Switch and that BioShock Infinite features one of the most useful NPCs in video game history. Who? Play to find out!
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Similarly to my previous statement, shooting? On a Switch?
1. Splatoon 2
"You're a kid you're a squid you're a kid now!"
Splatoon 2 is a first-party Nintendo game (first-party means developed by Nintendo themselves) that flips the team-based shooting genre on its head (or tentacles).
You primarily take part in 4-v-4 Turf Wars, where instead of trying to get as many kills as possible (I mean you still could), you instead aim to spray the ground with as much of your team-coloured ink as possible, and you win by the percentage of ink on the floor. The hook? You can turn into a squid at will, and travel through the ink you just laid down. If I could name it under a sub-genre, this would be swim and spray. It has a fun single player mode as well, even more if you get the expansion DLC.
Multiplayer - 8
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2. Resident Evil 4
What third person shooter list would this be without it's Resident shooter? Resident Evil 4 was developed by Capcom and to my dying breath I would argue this is the best Resident Evil game in the original series. (The remakes aren't counted)
You play as Leon Kennedy, a little bit more battle hardened after his stint in Resident Evil 2, and ready to spin kick some zombies. (Oops I mean... uhh, Plagas?) The entire game is spent trying to rescue and recover the president's daughter Ashley, fighting through an entire VILLage to do so.
Purchase Triple Pack (4/5/6/) HERE
Purchase Digital Edition HERE
3. Rogue Company
Do you like team based shooters? Do you like screaming at your friends at 2 a.m.? Do you especially like FREE games? Well Rogue Company is the game for you. Developed by First Watch Games, Rogue Company isn't the first in its genre, but it's one of the better ones currently on the Switch.
Imagine Call of Duty, or Counter-Strike, but then give the characters powers and make it third-person. It has cross-play across all the different consoles and you don't even need a Nintendo Switch Online subscription to play it!
Multiplayer - 8
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Honourable Mention: Warframe
Another free game on the Switch, developed by Digital Extremes, Warframe is another game on the Switch that runs exceedingly well. You can play solo or multiplayer and both experiences are not diminished in any way. This game is at least worth taking a look at.
Multiplayer - 4
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Yet another classic staple in video game genres, fighting games are admittedly made slightly worse on the Switch by virtue of the fact that the online network leaves a lot to be desired. But if you're at home with your partner/sibling/friend, you can enjoy these games to the fullest.
1. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Yes yes, I know, to hard-core fighting game aficionados, Smash may not be the cookie-cutter fighter, but the game has its own intricacies and it's extremely fun. Developed by Sora Ltd. and Bandai Namco, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is a first-party Nintendo game.
When you think of Smash, imagine popular Nintendo characters, now imagine popular video game characters in general, now throw them all into a pot and mix them together into a platform fighting game. However, it isn't a typical fighting game in that it doesn't have traditional health bars. The aim of the game is to throw your opponents off the map and to use whatever means you have at your disposal.
Smash is fun as a 1-v-1 competitive game, but also as an 8 player party game for friends and family. It actually has a story mode as well, but really, you play fighting games to beat other people up.
Multiplayer - 8
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2. Mortal Kombat 11
Ahhh, fighting game fans say, at least now this is a traditional fighting game. Mortal Kombat dates back to the arcade games of old, and is as OG a game as any. NetherRealm Studios has made Mortal Kombat 11 into a great game in itself (although maybe MKX is better), and it runs great on the Switch.
If you're into blood and gore in your fighting games, this is the game for you. It doesn't hold back on every eviscerating detail, and will definitely afford you hours of bone splintering, head ripping fun.
Oh and as an added bonus, MK 11 has loads of guest characters, mainly from movie franchises. Think Robocop, Rambo, Terminator etc. In many ways, MK11 is like Smash, just that the guest characters are chosen by your Dad.
Multiplayer - 8
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3. BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle
A somewhat underrated addition to the Switch family, BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle is an anime style fighter, rife with air combos and a tag system which puts many other fighters to shame. If speed is your name, this is your game.
Developed and published by Arc System Works (Dragon Ball Fighterz, Guilty Gear), BB Cross Tag might be the culmination of anime fighter mechanics, and while easy to pick up with its auto-combos, it's deceptively hard to master.
One thing to take note however, is I understand a roster might make or break a game (looking at you Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite). BlazBlue Cross Tag includes many fighters from popular anime fighting games like Under Night-In Birth, Blazblue, RWBY and even Persona 4, and while may attract some gamers, might be a deal-breaker for others.
Multiplayer - 8
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Honourable Mention: Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid
Now hear me out. Power Rangers. Different generations. Fighting together, fighting each other. nWay Inc. while initially launching this game quietly and very underwhelming-ly, has evolved Battle for the Grid into a fully-fledged fighter that grows more and more each day. It has a great online following and fighting game scene as well. I'm just saying, don't sleep on this game.
Multiplayer - 2
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I would like to take this time to mention, lots of classic fighters are on the Switch as well. King of Fighters, Street Fighters, BlazBlue, Guilty Gear and more are available on the eShop. If you are longing for a more classic arcade fighter, hop right on the eShop.
P.S. I didn't forget about Street Fighter, but honestly, the 30th Anniversary Collection doesn't have the best editions of the different games you could get, although it does have multiple games. Street Fighter IV and V aren't even on the Switch.
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Ah, another classic arcade genre. If you're looking to just have a good time, smash some things and laze around with your friends, this genre of games is for you.
1. Streets Of Rage 4
Oh boy, did you like Streets of Rage as a kid? Or maybe this is the first time you're hearing the name. Streets of Rage is a staple to Beat 'Em Ups like Street Fighter is to Fighting Games.
Developed by Dotemu, Lizardcube and Guard Crush Games, Streets of Rage 4 brings back everything you loved about it and more. Traverse from level to level, beat up enemies, throw enemies, combo and juggle enemies. The list goes on and on. It's a smashing good time, the graphics are clean, and gameplay is smooth. Oh and Axel and Adam are back, slighter older, slightly cooler.
Multiplayer - 4
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2. Castle Crashers Remastered
Honestly, this game is just pure, unadulterated, beat 'em up fun. Developed by The Behemoth, you play as one of a multitude of coloured knights/characters, each with their own unique weapons and skills. Your goal is simple, rescue the princess. Jump right into the game and if you're anything like me, sink upwards of 13 hours playing with your friends.
Multiplayer - 4
Purchase Digital Edition HERE
3. Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle
Get classics like Final Fight, Captain Commando, Warriors of Fate and more! Developed by Capcom (duh) this bundle is sure to afford you hours of fun with 7 games included in the bundle.
Multiplayer - 4
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Honourable Mention: Fight ‘N’ Rage
Most people have probably never heard of this game, and honestly, that's a shame. Developed by SebaGamesDev, Fight 'N' Rage is a love letter to the Beat 'Em Up Genre. Purposefully emulating the 90's arcade look, complete with retro scanlines, this game has both style and substance.
Multiplayer - 3
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Ever wanted a nail-biting, gut-wrenching, absolutely traumatizing adventure? Me neither, but for those of you who do, here you go, you psychos.
1. Alien: Isolation
Ever wondered what it would be like to be trapped on a ship with manic, paranoid crewmates, and in the shadows lurks a dangerous alien, popping out of the vents from seemingly nowhere? Well, Among Us is the game for you. Unfortunately, it isn't on the Switch, so Alien: Isolation fits the bill.
Developed by Creative Assembly, Alien: Isolation perfectly emulates the feeling of paranoia, fear, and helplessness as you traverse the now-defunct Space Station, Sevastopool. Sure, you are equipped with a gun, wrench, and other objects to increase your chances of survival, but all that becomes irrelevant in the face of the Alien. If you like living on the edge of your seat, and cold, sweaty palms, this game is the game for you.
Purchase Digital Edition HERE
2. Aragami: Shadow Edition
"Make an Assassin's Creed set in Japan" everyone shouts, while seemingly ignoring Aragami: Shadow Edition. This game brings what you love about stealth, and mixes it with other things you love, like ninjas and shadow dragons.
Developed by Lince Works, Aragami gives you do a wide variety of stealth options, and the difficulty is nothing to scoff at either.
Multiplayer - 2
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3. Mark of the Ninja: Remastered
Think if Splinter Cell and Strider (Hiryu) had a baby, that's Mark of the Ninja. Developed by Klei Entertainment, with its unique art style and semi-fast paced gameplay, this game makes stealth seem like just another option to destroy your enemies, and it does it exceedingly well.
Purchase Digital Edition HERE
Honourable Mentions: Assassins' Creed III: Remastered / The Rebel Collection
Of course it wouldn't be a stealth section without Assassin's Creed now would it? But like with Mario, we're giving other games a chance to breath. AC III has drawn some controversy with both sub-par gameplay and story, but The Rebel Collection, with Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag and Rogue, are some of the must-plays of the Assassin's Creed franchise.
Purchase Assassin's Creed III: Remastered HERE
Purchase Assassin's Creed: The Rebel Collection HERE
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Wide open plains, azure blue skies, a crackling campfire. If your gaming style is to sit back, relax, and take your time to explore an unknown territory, then survival games are exactly what the doctor ordered.
1. Minecraft
No survival list would be complete without Minecraft. For those who are unfamiliar, Minecraft is basically anything you want it to be. Developed by Mojang Studios but now owned by Microsoft, the limits of Minecraft are literally the limits of your imagination.
Want to explore a cavernous expanse underground? Dig up those blocks. Want to go fight fantastical creatures like the Ender Dragon? Suit up in your Diamond Armour. Want to live quietly on a farm and have fun with your friends, and together make a giant ziggurat of an Ancient God? Go right ahead.
Minecraft has been a staple for this generation and isn't going anywhere anytime soon, so jump right in and start crafting. Or just watch Pewdiepie's backlog of a decade worth of videos.
Multiplayer - 8
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2. Don't Starve: Nintendo Switch Edition
In contrast to Minecraft, this game does have an aim, to get back home. Developed by Klei Entertainment, you play as Wilson, a scientist who has been transported to another dimension, and it just trying to find his way home.
Explore an unfamiliar environment, survive the nights, and build machines to ultimately chart your way back to your world.
Purchase Digital Edition HERE
3. Windbound
A latest edition to the Nintendo Switch, Windbound is set in a beautiful world, where you play as Kara, a warrior trying to find your tribe.
Developed by 5 Lives Studios, use every resource you find to craft, hunt, and most importantly, sail yourself home. One of the main gameplay loops of Windbound is building and upgrading your Seacraft, and sailing from one island to the next, so if your frequent complaints are "Too Much Water!" then this might not be the game for you.
Purchase Digital Edition HERE
Honourable Mention: Terraria
What if Minecraft, but 2D side-scrolling? Yeah, that's the game.
Multiplayer - 8
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Can you taste the sweet victory, or maybe it's just chicken. Battle Royales had a sudden burst of popularity and right now, the genre is oversaturated with sub-par games. However, these are some of the better ones, I hope.
1. Fortnite
The undoubtedly No.1 in Battle Royales right now. Fortnite is as solid as they come, and will provide hours upon hours of gameplay until you obtain that coveted Victory banner.
Developed by Epic Games, the great thing about Fortnite is its constant updates. They have Marvel characters, DC characters, Star Wars characters, constant guest characters and the best seasonal updates that only money can buy.
Oh and also, it's FREE.
Multiplayer - 99
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2. Tetris 99
Never thought you'll see a Tetris title under a battle royale did you? A Nintendo original, Tetris 99 is free as well, but only with a Nintendo Online Subscription. Honestly, that's a small price to pay for this great game.
How does Tetris become a battle royale you ask? By fighting 98 other players and eliminating everyone else through sabotage of course. You can target other players and send them garbage lines eliminate them, leaving you the last one standing, or building.
Multiplayer - 99
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3. Super Mario Bros. 35
Right now, you're probably staring at the screen, wondering how on earth 2 entries in the battle royale section are very un-battle royale-like. Well, Nintendo probably looked at the success of Tetris 99 and went, but what if Mario?
Free with a Nintendo Online Subscription as well, you race through classic Mario levels, but the enemies you beat sends obstacles to the other 34 players racing against you, and honestly, "It just works."
Multiplayer - 35
Download HERE
Honourable Mention: Apex Legends
Alright, so maybe Apex isn't out yet on the Switch, but they've already announced it for next year and to be fair, Respawn Entertainment has done a great job working within the confines of EA. They've made great games like Jedi: Fallen Order and Titanfall, and I see no reason that the Switch port would be any different.
Oh and it'll probably be Free as well. (You're starting to see a trend with these Battle Royale games aren't you?)
Multiplayer - 60
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If you're sorely missing Dance Central, or DJ Max, or wish for rhythm games of any kind, maybe these next games will excite you.
1. Taiko No Tatsujin: Drum 'N' Fun!
It's just like the arcade game! Use your Joy-Cons, or get the Drum Set to complete the experience!
Developed by Bandai Namco Studios, Taiko No Tatsujin is just a whole lot of drum beating fun for the whole family. It works exactly how you would expect it to, just remember to watch out for flying Joy-Cons.
Multiplayer - 4
Purchase HERE
2. Cadence of Hyrule: Crypt of the Necrodancer feat. The Legend of Zelda
Yes, that was a mouthful, now try saying that twice as fast. While not a traditional rhythm game, Cadence of Hyrule is an action-adventure but relies entirely upon the rhythm of its music.
Developed by Brace Yourself Games, you build up combos by moving and hitting enemies according to the beat, as well as completing certain map objectives to unlock treasure.
The story is simple, save Hyrule (again), as Link and/or Zelda (why choose Cadence when you can have the power couple?), with an additional couple of DLC characters. Lovers of more classic Zelda games would find this to be a refreshing new entry.
Multiplayer - 2
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3. Just Dance 2021 (November 12 2020)
Developed and published by Ubisoft, Just Dance is exactly what it sounds like, just dancing. Moves will appear on screen, and players will just have to copy it (and adding additional flair if you so wish).
I write 2021, but really, any Just Dance will do. Each Just Dance game has its own unique songs, but the meat of the game lies in its Just Dance Unlimited subscription. With it, you get access to generations of Just Dance songs, no matter which version you own. If you like dancing, or like making other people dance awkwardly, this is the game for you.
Multiplayer - 6
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Honourable Mention: VOEZ
Imagine DJ Max, but less intense and with less Electronic style music. VOEZ is a very enjoyable game and if you like the Tap Tap style games with a more, light hearted, indie music genre, this might be a game you would like to try.
Purchase Digital Edition HERE
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The vanilla genre of games. Action-Adventure games are vast and plentiful, but only a couple can really be the crème de le crème.
1. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
I mean, this is an absolute must-have for any Switch user. The audacity of anyone to get a Nintendo Switch and not get this game!? Another first-party Nintendo game, Breath of the Wild is the latest (and some might say greatest), of the Zelda franchise.
It prides itself in its vast open world, with the notion that anything you can see in the distance, you can explore. Oh right, the story in this game is intentionally played loose. Not much is told to you upright, other than the standard you need to beat Ganon once again. How you get there and what you do in between is entirely up to you. You slowly piece together the story by talking to people, and reading descriptions of items. In that sense the storytelling style is a little reminiscent of Dark Souls, but not as in-depth.
My point is, it's immersive. You could and should easily sink around 80-100 hours into the game and not feel the fatigue because it's just that good at doing its job. You could be heading towards Dueling Peaks, but along the way get side-tracked and find a Horse God instead. Or spend your time going around taking photos of everything and ignoring your main objective. Whatever it is, make it a point to try Breath of the Wild at least once.
Purchase HERE
2. Astral Chain
What if JoJo was an anime policeman? This game lets you find out.
Developed by PlatinumGames, you play as a Neuron Policeman (or woman) and battle creatures known as Chimeras coming from another dimension.
Why is it like JoJo? You utilize creatures called Legions, which are basically Chimeras except once they're tamed for some reason they're renamed. Legions are attached to you via an astral chain (ha), and majority of your combat and investigation involves the careful manoeuvring of your Legion, which hovers around you exactly like a Stand would.
Astral Chain provides a solid chunk of entertaining gameplay with some fresh mechanics that would make you feel like a super cop.
Multiplayer - 2
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3. Luigi's Mansion 3
Once again, Luigi is in a haunted Mansion (Hotel this time), and once again, he's very afraid.
Developed by Next Level Games and a Nintendo exclusive, Luigi's Mansion 3 brings lots of ghost-busting fun. The story is similar to previous entries, every Mario character is somehow incapacitated and Luigi is the only one that can save the day. However, this time a second character is introduced in the form of Gooigi. Gooigi can't touch water, but he can pass through grills and pipes and together, the dynamic duo solve level-based puzzles to save the day.
In my opinion, this game is best played with a friend, as there are secrets and puzzles in every level that might require more than one brain. However, Player 2s take note, don't outshine your Player 1 or you'll hear the same phrase I did, "Excuse me, this is LUIGI'S MANSION, not GOOIGI'S MANSION."
Main Game - 2
Multiplayer - 6
Purchase HERE
Honourable Mention: Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
Ninja Theory knocks it out of the park with Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice. The ambience is dark and sombre, the gameplay brutal. The only reason this isn't in the main list is that the dark themes may put some people off. But not you of course, you're a gamer of culture.
Purchase Digital Edition HERE
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Let me start of this section by saying, the Switch is an RPG machine. Normally the best experiences I've had on the Switch are RPGs, ok so maybe I'm a little biased based on my preferences, but that doesn't discount the fact that the Switch has really great originals and ports.
P.S. there'll be a lot more games in this section. Yes I'm more than a "little" biased.
1. Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Do you like dragons? Do you love fantasy? Do you enjoy spending your time making sure your stats are exactly the way you like them? Oh and do you just relish in the fact that you can date your students? (I'm sorry, invite them for a "tea party") If you do, Fire Emblem: Three Houses is right up your alley.
Developed by Intelligent Systems and Koei Tecmo, exclusively for the Switch, this entry in the Fire Emblem series is possibly it's most ambitious yet.
You play as a clueless protagonist, invited to teach at a monastery which houses (ha) three different factions of students, marked easily for you in three colours, Red, Blue and Yellow. You juggle tactical RPG map battles with day-to-day life as a teacher and slowly uncover a secret plot looming over the country. The voice acting in this is actually superb, and sometimes I found myself purposely not skipping dialogue lines just to hear the emotion in my student's voices.
It's great, it's engaging, and if you like RPGs, then you'll love this.
Purchase HERE
2. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt [Complete Edition]
The Witcher exploded in popularity recently as Henry Cavill jumped into the boots of titular character Geralt of Rivia on Netflix. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt [Complete Edition] is the third entry in the video game series, and takes place years after the Netflix show. It's the absolute pinnacle of both story pathing and combat, managing to have hundreds of branching storylines, side quests, unique characters and a main protagonist that makes you feel badass slaying monsters and humans alike.
Developed by CD Projekt Red, Wild Hunt on the Switch may not be the optimal way to play Witcher, as it exists on PC and PS4 in better graphical fidelity, but it sure as hell is convenient. It runs smoothly on both handheld and docked mode, and while the graphics maybe sometimes be muddy, you'll soon find that you've all but forgotten about graphics as you swiftly sink hours into the rich lore and expansive world building Wild Hunt has to offer.
If you love collecting gear, hoarding every spoon and trinket you can lay your hands on, making Geralt over encumbered, then begrudgingly making frequent trips to your personal chest to transfer the load, then The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt does the trick.
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3. Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
Mila Jovovich: It's Rathalos season.
Tony Jaa: Diablos season.
Mila Jovovich: Rathalos season.
Tony Jaa: Diablos season.
Mila Jovovich: Rathalos season.
Tony Jaa: Rathalos season.
Mila Jovovich: Diablos season, and I say fire!
Do you love Monster Hunter World? The carefully crafted environments, the innovative monster designs, the giant elder dragons that could destroy you with a sneeze? Well, roll the quality of life features back a few steps and you get Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate.
Developed by Capcom for the Nintendo Switch, MHGU exists as the singular most convenient way to play a Monster Hunter game, as the Switch runs the game like a dream on both handheld and docked. You start as a newbie and as you take on more and more quests, you become a feared Monster Hunter, adept at doing the tango with even the fiercest of Alatreons.
Enjoy hunting your favourite monsters, making armour pieces out of them, then going right back to show their cousins, as you hit them with weapons made from parts harvested from their siblings.
Multiplayer - 4
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4. Undertale
Woo boy. This might be the simplest yet most complex RPG game yet. Undertale has a quiet charm about it with its unique pixel art style and storytelling.
Created by Tobi Fox, designed by Tobi Fox, composed by Tobi Fox, it's an impressive game for a one man team. At first glance you're either into it or you aren't, but I cannot recommend this game more. At the time of this writing, my current mouse cursor is Sans.
Purchase Digital Edition HERE
5. Octopath Traveler
No this isn't a game about an octopus, although the Leviathan (actually a Kraken) is nothing to scoff at.
Developed by Square Enix, Octopath Traveler brings both charm and depth to the table. Who do you play as? Well, there are 8 different characters with 8 unique classes you can choose from, and over the course of the game, you will find yourself diving into each and every one of their individual storylines, some overlapping with each other.
It features a "HD2D" style, flat pixelated characters on gorgeous high definition environments, giving it a retro yet modern feel. Its music is engaging and apt for every map on your journey. If you long for the turn-based RPGs of old, yet want a refreshing new look, definitely give this game a go.
Purchase HERE
6. Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle Gold Edition
Ubisoft and Nintendo join forces to create in my opinion what may be the most fun, tactical, turn-based RPG on the Switch yet.
Featuring the zany Rabbids from the Rayman series, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle gives you what you love about turn-based RPGs, with twists in gameplay. Also, imagine Mario characters tossed into a blender with Rabbids, and you kind of get a sense of the direction this game is going.
If you're going to get it, go right ahead with the Gold Edition. It features the complete content you need to enjoy yourself to the fullest. If you love tactical turn-based RPGs, this game is a no-brainer.
Multiplayer - 2
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Honourable Mentions: Diablo III, Dark Souls, Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age [Definitive Edition]
Yes these are all ports, but these are all excellent ports that don't take away from the original gameplay experience. If you have never played any of these 3 before, please do. Diablo III is a Dungeon Crawler, Dark Souls an Action RPG, and Dragon Quest is a JRPG.
P.S. Yes, the Final Fantasy series is ported on the Switch as well, and more and more are coming as time goes by. Just get all of them.
Purchase Diablo III: Eternal Collection HERE
Purchase Dark Souls Remastered HERE
Purchase Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age [Definitive Edition] HERE
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Do you love gruelling, mentally demanding games, with procedurally generated environments? Do you love permadeath and restarting the game each time you die? You do? What's wrong with you.
1. Hades
The latest Isometric Roguelike game by Supergiant Games, Hades takes what you love about the Roguelike genre, and subtracts what you absolutely hate about it.
The game is based on Greek Mythology, and you play as Zagreus, begrudging son of Hades, who is desperately trying to escape the four levels of Hell. Along the way you'll receive voicemail from various Olympian Gods, who will give you boons to aid your quest, but inevitably, you will die. When you do, you restart back at the House of Hades, which is your house as well. This is where the genius of Hades shines through.
Do you hate how you have to restart from the beginning? Well Hades masterfully weaves that into its core gameplay. Each time you respawn back at your house, you can talk to its inhabitants and give them gifts to improve relationship levels and you can use Gemstones collected to spruce up your house. Characters like Achilles and Orpheus actually have their own storyline which you will have to progress by meeting certain individuals out in Hell. You can buy and slowly update a Fated List of Minor Prophecies, which are basically tasks you have to complete while battling through Hell, and rewards you with various in-game bonuses and currency.
Oh and you can romance characters with Nectar and Ambrosia which you collect by beating level bosses. Very soon, you'll find that you actually WANT to die so that you can head back to the house. But the game gives you a very good reason to make it till the end as well.
Do you love good-looking characters and immersive storytelling, or did you ever just want to date Achilles? Well pick up Hades and give it a try, because why the Hell not.
Purchase Digital Edition HERE
2. Dead Cells
Developed by Motion Twin, this 2D side-scrolling adventure sets you in a medieval island, where you are seemingly trying to escape and explore at the same time.
You control what can only be described as a bunch of cells vaguely resembling a human figure, and as you progress, you mutate and swap weapons to fight your way through the different levels.
Dead Cells is all about skills. You need a quick-response time, you need to think on your feet, you need to utilize your dodge roll, you need to be better. Every death feels like you deserved it, and you learn to make better choices the next run. Dead cells doesn't do anything absurdly different for the genre, but its foundation is as solid as they come, and its gameplay is very satisfying.
Purchase HERE
3. Risk of Rain 2
Thundery showers over many areas in the afternoon, 24s the low and 34s the high. So you could say, the risk of rain is high.
Developed by Hopoo Games, Risk of Rain 2 is the second entry in the series, and just builds on what made it such a fun game. It is a Third-Person Shooter, so keep that in mind as you traverse the sandbox world fighting monsters. You might want to invest in a Pro Controller for the analog stick.
There are different classes to choose from, and as you get stronger, your foes get stronger as well. This game is best played with a companion or multiple friends, as the shouting will definitely be entertaining.
Multiplayer - 4
Purchase Digital Edition HERE
Honourable Mention: Moonlighter
Do you like classic Zelda? Do you like owning a shop? Moonlighter combines the two, a shopkeeper by day and a dungeon crawler by night, you search for items to sell and collect and at the same time try to become a hero!
Purchase HERE
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Enjoy feeling your hair billowing in the wind? The light caress of a sun's kiss on your face? The thrill and exhilaration as you line up at the starting line? Then get a car. But here's the next best thing.
1. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
This is a staple for any family. Choose from your favourite Nintendo characters and race it out on multiple popular locations! Speed through Hyrule on Link's Master Cycle, enjoy the scenery in Cheep Cheep Beach, or relive your classic days on the Excitebike Arena.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe takes what's fun about the racing genre, and throws in random power-ups and course obstacles to mix it up, so it's not always that the best racer wins, sometimes it's the luckiest!
Single Console - 4
Multiplayer - 12
Purchase HERE
2. Horizon Chase Turbo
Developed by Aquiris Games, Horizon Chase Turbo is a charming retro style racer that perfectly emulates the era it was inspired from.
Race through various locations like a Volcano, Icy Plains or Japan at breakneck speeds and marvel at the way this game encapsulates the 16-bit style, yet gives it a totally new modern look.
And I mean, we're not going to get F-Zero anytime soon, so this will have to do right?
Multiplayer - 4
Purchase HERE
3. Burnout Paradise Remastered
Do you love absolutely wrecking your car? How about crashing it into every obstacle you can find? Well Burnout Paradise Remastered has that in spades.
Developed by Criterion Games, Burnout Paradise brings out the inner daredevil in you. It rewards you with near misses, tricks, drifts, and anything that would otherwise be frowned upon in real life. If you ever went to your driving test simulator and thought, "what if I just wrecked everything", then this is the game for you.
Multiplayer - 8
Purchase HERE
Honourable Mention: Star Wars Episode 1: Racer
Now this is Pod Racing! Imagine if the Pod Racing scene from Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace was made into a game, and a pretty fun game at that. This is basically that game.
Multiplayer - 2
Purchase Digital Edition HERE
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Ahh the evergreen gaming experience. If you ever wanted to play soccer, or basketball, or swim, but are just too lazy to get out of the house, then playing sports games is on the menu.
1. Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020
This is on the list because it throws a bunch of Olympic sports games at your face and says CHOOSE.
Developed by Sega, Mario characters and Sonic characters face off to find out who are the best in sports. You can choose any character from the two series, from Mario, Peach, to a hedgehog that can literally break the sound barrier, and see who can play tennis better.
In short, this is pure family fun, and if you expect to have friends over.
Multiplayer - 8
Purchase HERE
2. Rocket League
Someone once asked, what if we made soccer, but cars, and not one person thought to tell him what a weird idea that was. And so we get Rocket League.
Developed by Psyonix, Rocket League is basically a bunch of cars driving around the pitch, with no way to dribble a ball, trying to score goals. And you know what? It's fun.
There's something satisfying about using the Batmobile to bash into the side of the DeLorean you know? Oh and also it's free.
Multiplayer - 8
Download HERE
3. Golf Story
Ok, so this might not sound fun to you. Golf? Why would I play golf? And the answer is, because it's just so entertaining.
Developed by Sidebar Games, Golf Story isn't a traditional golf game. Every level has a special way of clearing the goal, so it ends up being more of a puzzle game, but using golf to solve it. The story is interesting and you won't regret getting it.
Multiplayer - 2
Purchase HERE
Honourable Mention: Simulation Sports
Ok so maybe it's not a specific game. But a significant number of simulation sports games are on the Switch like Fifa, NBA, PGA, and if you're into realistic sports, you'll find the Switch provides. Just remember, the ports are lesser versions of the actual console games, and their gameplay is suboptimal on the Switch.
Browse HERE
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Now this is half the reason to get the Switch already. As you could probably already tell from the games listed above, a large percentage of Switch games have multiplayer capabilities. And the Switch really works like a charm as a party game device.
1. Super Mario Party
It even has the name party in it. Super Mario Party packs 80 fun mini games, which you could choose to play via various game modes.
Mario Party - A traditional board game style mode
River Survival - Four Players paddle a raft together and navigate hazards and challenges to reach the end
Sound Stage - A mini-game rush mode based on rhythmic challenges
Challenge Road - A build-your-own challenge style mini-game mode
Super Mario Party is probably the definitive way to play with friends and family and is a must-have, unless you don't have any friends. In which case, get them RPGs.
Multiplayer - 4
Purchase HERE
2. Overcooked! Special Edition + Overcooked! 2
The Overcooked series exists as a 2-in-1 physical edition, and should be what you get when you decide to purchase these great games.
Developed by Team17, Overcooked 1 and 2 is perfect for players looking to engage in a game of highly-intensity, motor skills based, perfectly coordinated cooking experience. But that's not what you'll be getting yourself into.
Imagine ticking timers, burning food, shifting platforms, and 4 "chefs" yelling at each other over who forgot to cook the rice, and you have yourself a game of Overcooked. Not for the faint of heart.
Multiplayer - 4
Purchase HERE
3. Jackbox Party Pack 7
As with Just Dance, I write Jackbox Party Pack 7, but actually any of the various party packs offered by Jackbox will do the trick.
Developed by Jackbox Games, each entry in the Jackbox series includes a bunch of absolutely creative and insane challenges, meant to be played in a large group. One person just needs the game on their Switch and up to 8 friends can connect via mobile phone, tablet, or even their computer.
Games include fan-favourites like:
Quiplash - Everyone gives witty and hilarious responses to prompts and all players vote for the winner.
Tee K.O. - Everyone draws a custom T-Shirt and compete in a round robin challenge.
Fibbage - Convince your friends you know the answers to odd trivia questions and you guessed it, may the best liar win.
The fun never stops with Jackbox, and can be enjoyed anywhere, anytime as long as you have friends.
Multiplayer - 8
Purchase Jackbox Party Pack 7 Digital Edition HERE
Honourable Mention: Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics
The name of the game is in the title, this game includes 51 games for you and your friends to enjoy. It's basically a board game simulator, and if you need to spice up a lazy afternoon, or have friends over for a party, this may not be as entertaining as the previous titles, but it will do just fine.
Multiplayer - 4
Purchase HERE
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The games I'm going to list next don't exactly fall into any category, but are pretty good games.
1. RingFit Adventure
In a category known as Exergaming, RingFit Adventure is a Nintendo Switch exclusive, and is an entire workout packed into one game. It lessens the stress and pain of a workout by giving you a fairly interesting story to focus on, and makes doing exercises like squats and leg raises into a game.
Skyrocketing to popularity with the recent Circuit Breaker, if you are considering getting into shape, but are too lazy or just cautious to go to the gym, RingFit Adventure will tide you over and maybe even become your exercise staple.
Purchase HERE
2. Animal Crossing: New Horizons
A, uhhh, Life-Simulation Game, Animal Crossing: New Horizons explores what it would be to be a resident on a deserted island, and you pay through the nose to upgrade it.
Another Nintendo Switch exclusive, the entire game consists of just daily life tasks, as you earn Bells to pay your mortgage, buy clothes, decorate your island, and basically make it pretty enough to show off to your friends as they visit your island.
If you're looking for a relaxed getaway from reality, this game will fulfil that void in your life.
Multiplayer - 8
Purchase HERE
3. Stardew Valley
Another Life-Simulation Game, Stardew Valley drops you into an old farm in the countryside.
Developed by one guy, Eric Barone, you slowly upgrade your small town and restore Stardew Valley back to its former glory.
It's basically a farming simulator, but also you can build relationships with the town residents and play with your friends!
Multiplayer - 4
Purchase HERE
4. Pokemon Sword & Pokemon Shield
I mean, I had to include this didn't I? Pokemon is to Nintendo like chocolate is to cookies. The latest entry in the Pokemon franchise, Pokemon Sword and Shield brings you to the Galar Region, where a strange phenomenon makes Pokemon the size of skyscrapers. In terms of gameplay, it's pretty standard Pokemon, and fans of the series wouldn't want to miss this.
Multiplayer - 4
Purchase HERE
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This section is for upcoming titles that are of interest, although how well they run, I cannot say. If you are reading this sometime in the future, I hope they turn out good.
1. Monster Hunter Rise (26 March 2021)
Capcom is back with the next installment to the Monster Hunter franchise. With new mechanics like climbing and web-slinging, this promises to be tons of fun when it releases.
Multiplayer - 4
2. Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory (13 November 2020)
Square Enix releases yet another rhythm game from the Kingdom Hearts series. Drop the beat with your favourite Disney characters!
Multiplayer - 8
Pre-Order HERE
3. Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity (20 November 2020)
The next entry in the Zelda Musou series, Koei Tecmo imagines a prequel to Breath of the Wild, with some twists. Play as your favourite Champions or even Impa and live through the Great War that took place 100 years ago!
Multiplayer - 2
Pre-Order HERE
4. Immortals: Fenyx Rising (3 December 2020)
If you ever wanted a sequel to the Kid Icarus franchise, but with graphics resembling Breath of the Wild, then you've got this game. Ubisoft weighs in with their own rendition of a tale within Greek Mythology.
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I hope that this list is enough to kick-start you on your Nintendo Switch adventure, or provide a booster shot to keep you on your gaming way. We all need a way to relax from daily life, and I find a good game or two is the best way to forget about my worries, and immerse myself in my own fantasy world. Unless you play horror games, in which case, why?
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