
Nintendo Switch Golden Force

¥165.00 CNY

Release Date: 26 March 2021
Genre: Platform
Language: English
Region: Europe

The King of Demons set his sights on Muscle Island, a paradisaical and peaceful place where it’s good to live. This evil person settled his army and persecutes the population with the help of his generals.

Wasting their last coins in the taverns of the island, mercenaries from the dreadful GOLDEN FORCE enjoy their last moments of vacation when they receive a new contract: beat down this new evil ruler and recover the mountain of gold in his possession.

​When there are gold and a promise of great battles, you can count on the GOLDEN FORCE to save your butt!


  • 4 worlds full of challenge
  • Old school difficulty (but not so frustrating)
  • 2 players cooperative mode
  • 4 playable characters
  • Fearful bosses
  • Tons of secrets and hidden challenges for hardcore gamers