Nintendo Switch Neogeo Pocket Color Selection Vol.2
¥309.00 CNY
Release Date: March 2023
Genre: Action, Sports, Fighting, Retro
Language: English, Japanese
Region: Asia
NeoGeo Pocket Color Selection Vol. 2 includes the following games:
- Baseball Stars Color (English, Japanese)
- Big Bang Pro Wrestling (English, Japanese)
- Biomotor Unitron (English, Japanese)
- Ganbare Neo Poke-Kun (Japanese)
- The King of Fighters: Battle de Paradise (Japanese)
- Mega Man Battle & Fighters (Japanese)
- NEOGEO Cup ’98 Plus Color (English, Japanese)
- Pocket Tennis Color (English, Japanese)
- Puzzle Link 2 (English, Japanese)
- SNK vs. Capcom Card Fighters’ Clash (English, Japanese)
- This collection contains ten titles in total, including four that are currently sold separately—meaning six new titles have been added!
- Play through a varied lineup of genres from sports, puzzles, table games, and more!
- Features Re-wind functions so game overs are a thing of the past!
- Take on a friend in either Tabletop or Handheld Modes! (Not available for some titles)